Saturday, 29 September 2012
So everytime I log in into my IG account, it seems like everyone knows how to bake a rainbow cake, cook nasi beriani with ayam tandoori and etc. Sigh. Peer pressure guys.
Wednesday, 26 September 2012
Ipon takde
By the time cukup duit nak beli Iphone 5, Iphone 10 dah launch kot.
p/s: kena post entry baru. segan kena tegur ngan euphoria. =p
p/s: kena post entry baru. segan kena tegur ngan euphoria. =p
Friday, 20 July 2012
Eye shadow
J: Cikgu, cikgu mengantuk ka?
M: Macammana kamu tau?
J: Sebab atas mata cikgu hitam.
*Little did they know it was my so-called smoky eye shadow.
*face palm*
M: Macammana kamu tau?
J: Sebab atas mata cikgu hitam.
*Little did they know it was my so-called smoky eye shadow.
*face palm*
Friday, 13 July 2012
Everything is new, now.
New place, new friends, new hope, and hopefully new boyfriend(s)... NOT! hehe
Tuesday, 5 June 2012
Sunday, 27 May 2012
Busy bah
I've been busy. Konon la. And I'm going to fly to Sabah in two weeks to come.
Life is hard. So, deal with it. Bring it on, biatchhh!
Macam x ikhlas je kan tunjuk gambar? Harharhar.
Life is hard. So, deal with it. Bring it on, biatchhh!
Macam x ikhlas je kan tunjuk gambar? Harharhar.
Monday, 21 May 2012
Oh My English
Have you watched this video? It's hilarious!
Let's speak better English, write better English for your own betterment. And here are my promises:
1) I promise to pronounce 'salmon' correctly. (yeah I know,right)
2) I promise to stop saying 'repeat again'.
3) I promise to stop saying bad words (read:cursing) Lol
4) I promise to write in proper English, I mean try to avoid jargon words and short forms just to sound more casual.
Oh man, this is hard. Haha. But I'll try. How about you?
Let's speak better English, write better English for your own betterment. And here are my promises:
1) I promise to pronounce 'salmon' correctly. (yeah I know,right)
2) I promise to stop saying 'repeat again'.
3) I promise to stop saying bad words (read:cursing) Lol
4) I promise to write in proper English, I mean try to avoid jargon words and short forms just to sound more casual.
Oh man, this is hard. Haha. But I'll try. How about you?
Saturday, 19 May 2012
Thursday, 17 May 2012
My heart is pounding, heavily. Oh man, this is not good. Not good.
How I'm suppose to forget you when you are in my mind the whole time? How I'm suppose to forget the past when I want you in my future plan?
Dammit. Ni semua gara-gara Kuch Kuch Hota Hai. Lol *defensive*
How I'm suppose to forget you when you are in my mind the whole time? How I'm suppose to forget the past when I want you in my future plan?
Dammit. Ni semua gara-gara Kuch Kuch Hota Hai. Lol *defensive*
Tuesday, 15 May 2012
Monday, 14 May 2012
Saturday, 12 May 2012
Hari hari
Kenapa la orang suka sangat nak haramkan itu ini. Hari Ibu haram. Itu haram. Ini haram. Pastu kononnya ada la backup kenapa ingat ibu satu hari je, ingat la hari-hari. Ha ye lah. Hari guru pulak macamana? Kenapa nak appreciate cikgu satu hari je, wish la Happy Teacher's Day hari-hari. Kenapa sambut merdeka satu hari je? Jerit la 'merdeka' hari-hari. Durhh. Hari Buruh? Hari Kanak-kanak? Anyone care to explain this?
Lepasni tak payah buat hari peperiksaan. Buat je peperiksaan tu hari-hari. Kan?
Lepasni tak payah buat hari peperiksaan. Buat je peperiksaan tu hari-hari. Kan?
Friday, 11 May 2012
Wednesday, 9 May 2012
Forever Alone
What if we put together all Forever Alone guy in the world at one place, then they will never be Forever Alone anymore? No?
p/s: yang ni dah ada dalam 9gag ke?
p/s: yang ni dah ada dalam 9gag ke?
Tuesday, 8 May 2012
Saturday, 5 May 2012
Front Page
I wonder how kids will think when they read or probably just saw our newspaper's front page. They dont even have to buy Mangga or Playboy for that.
Friday, 4 May 2012
FA Cup
Kelantan vs Kedah. 2-2. And Kelantan won by a something something goal rule. Forgot wtf.
Yeayyy! By now, you will know where I am from. =p
Yeayyy! By now, you will know where I am from. =p
Thursday, 3 May 2012
Why why why
I accidentally read my older conversations with him the other day. And the reality hits me. Oh snap!
Wednesday, 2 May 2012
Dataran Merdeka
Dataran Merdeka ni tempat bersejarah. Tak boleh guna untuk orang berhimpun. Salah tu!
Dataran Merdeka boleh guna untuk buat concert tahun baru, tempat mat rempit wheelie. Kami benarkan!
Monday, 30 April 2012
Aku neutral je pasal ni. Orang yang sokong dan yang pergi perhimpunan bersih ni pasti ada sebab-sebab tersendiri. Takde orang yang suka-suka je pergi tempat ramai orang, bersesak tengah panas for nothing. Everyone has their own motives. Plus, it shows that they stand for their believes rather than being a whiny bitch. Ini mungkin boleh menjadi eye-opener untuk kerajaan supaya nampak bahawa sistem yang ada sekarang perlu diperbaiki dan ikut manifesto yang dianjurkan oleh Bersih 3.0 ni.
Aku sokong berdemo secara aman, tidak melibatkan apa-apa senjata bahaya, dan hanya berbaju kuning diiringi doa. Yang jadi masalah bila satu pihak mula bertindak kasar dan satu pihak lagi cuba untuk melawan. Aku harap takde sebarang kecederaan jiwa berlaku esok. Sebab demo ni ada baik buruk jugak. Ia melibatkan orang ramai di tempat awam.
Oh mungkin bila baca post ni dah agak terlewat sebab ni scheduled post. Teehee.
Maybe you can read this to enlighten this issue.
Aku sokong berdemo secara aman, tidak melibatkan apa-apa senjata bahaya, dan hanya berbaju kuning diiringi doa. Yang jadi masalah bila satu pihak mula bertindak kasar dan satu pihak lagi cuba untuk melawan. Aku harap takde sebarang kecederaan jiwa berlaku esok. Sebab demo ni ada baik buruk jugak. Ia melibatkan orang ramai di tempat awam.
Oh mungkin bila baca post ni dah agak terlewat sebab ni scheduled post. Teehee.
Maybe you can read this to enlighten this issue.
Sunday, 29 April 2012
If you noticed, Malaysian nampak sangat gila kan title. Contoh macam Datuk, Datin, etc. Kalau title Dr. tu lain cerita lah kan sebab memang they deserve for it. Aku paham title ni as a recognition and appreciation for that particular person. Tapi kalau kerja kau setakat menyanyi je, layak ke dapat title tu?
Unless kalau kau macam Datuk Siti Nurhaliza yang memang dah sampai peringkat antarabangsa dan dah harumkan nama negara. Tapi yang lain tu, buat bisnes pun tipu orang(you know who) tiba-tiba dapat pangkat Datuk. Tak pelik ke? Dah la tak justify pasal tu. Plus, orang Malaysia ni terlebih pemurah kot. Artis Bollywood pun kita bagi jugak title Datuk ni, padahal takde kaitan langsung dengan kita.
Orang cakap kalau ada 100k, kita boleh beli title Datuk ni. Wow, Malaysians are really keen for that. Kalau lah negara kita ada Steve Jobs, mungkin dia dah ada title Tun sekarang ni. Teehee.
Unless kalau kau macam Datuk Siti Nurhaliza yang memang dah sampai peringkat antarabangsa dan dah harumkan nama negara. Tapi yang lain tu, buat bisnes pun tipu orang(you know who) tiba-tiba dapat pangkat Datuk. Tak pelik ke? Dah la tak justify pasal tu. Plus, orang Malaysia ni terlebih pemurah kot. Artis Bollywood pun kita bagi jugak title Datuk ni, padahal takde kaitan langsung dengan kita.
Orang cakap kalau ada 100k, kita boleh beli title Datuk ni. Wow, Malaysians are really keen for that. Kalau lah negara kita ada Steve Jobs, mungkin dia dah ada title Tun sekarang ni. Teehee.
Saturday, 28 April 2012
Anak punai anak merbah
Terbang turun buat sarang
Anak sungai pun berubah ini pula hati orang
Mengapa dikenang
Asal kapas jadi benang
Dari benang dibuat baju
Barang lepas jangan kenang
Dah jadi orang baru
Mengapa dirindu
Selat teduh lautan tenang
Banyak pelabur-pelabur Acheh
Jangan kesal jangan kenang
Walau hati rasa bengang
Mengapa bersedih
Kalau pinang masih muda
Rasanya kelat sudahlah pasti
Kalau hilang kasih lama cari lain untuk ganti
Mengapa dinanti
Patahkan tumbuh hilang berganti
Luka sembuh kalau diubati
Sayang mengapa dirindu.
by Saloma.
Terbang turun buat sarang
Anak sungai pun berubah ini pula hati orang
Mengapa dikenang
Asal kapas jadi benang
Dari benang dibuat baju
Barang lepas jangan kenang
Dah jadi orang baru
Mengapa dirindu
Selat teduh lautan tenang
Banyak pelabur-pelabur Acheh
Jangan kesal jangan kenang
Walau hati rasa bengang
Mengapa bersedih
Kalau pinang masih muda
Rasanya kelat sudahlah pasti
Kalau hilang kasih lama cari lain untuk ganti
Mengapa dinanti
Patahkan tumbuh hilang berganti
Luka sembuh kalau diubati
Sayang mengapa dirindu.
by Saloma.
posted from Bloggeroid
Friday, 27 April 2012
Oh So Random #3
Pipi nak 1cm dah kecoh complaint gemuk. Tapi tetap upload kat facebook, instagram, bla bla bla.
Gelimat mat mat~
Makan banyak, malas exercise, suka makan fast food pastu complaint gemuk wtf.
Gelimat mat mat~
Thursday, 26 April 2012
Love is blind?
Love is blind. Yes, indeed. I couldn't agree more. But but, there's a fine line between pengorbanan atas nama cinta dan kebodohan sebab terlalu buta atas nama so-called-love. Haa berbelit tak ayat tu? Buat-buat paham je la ye.
Situasi A:
B dan C couple(or married would be better), duduk berjauhan. Dua-dua kena berjimat duit untuk melawat satu sama lain, sebab duduk jauh kan. Lain lah kalau kau LJ bercinta dengan jiran *tetiba*. Skype, long hours call, 3g, isi borang untuk tukar kerja etc etc tu semua kau dah buat. And this is what we called sacrifices.
Situasi B:
D dan E couple, like there's no tomorrow. Tinggal kawan, tinggal saudara, atas nama cinta. Dasarrr. Bila si kekasih buat salah atau lebih teruk curang, kau buat-buat pejam mata. Konon dia akan berubah, konon dia lah Mr Right. Atas alasan dah lama bercinta, dan orang tu janji nak kahwin dengan kau padahal orang tu nak tumpang senang je. Tapi kau tak nampak sebab kau buta, bukti depan mata pun kau still insist that he/she is the one for you. Ye, ini dinamakan kebodohan. Dan sedihnya, orang tu tak sedar pun yang dia bodoh.
Apa yang membezakan situasi A dan B ialah orang yang terlibat dalam situasi A SEDAR yang dia berhabis duit, berkorban apa sahaja untuk pasangannya atas nama cinta, dan dia tak kisah semua tu. Berbanding dengan situasi B, dia seakan-akan tidak sedar diri atau buat-buat tak nampak pengorbanan yang dia buat tu sebenarnya kebodohan yang nyata. Pathetic but it's true.
Belajar elok-elok dulu dik, kerja bagus-bagus. Masa tu baru kita sedar yang permata yang kita pertahankan selama ni hanyalah kaca semata.
Situasi A:
B dan C couple(or married would be better), duduk berjauhan. Dua-dua kena berjimat duit untuk melawat satu sama lain, sebab duduk jauh kan. Lain lah kalau kau LJ bercinta dengan jiran *tetiba*. Skype, long hours call, 3g, isi borang untuk tukar kerja etc etc tu semua kau dah buat. And this is what we called sacrifices.
Situasi B:
D dan E couple, like there's no tomorrow. Tinggal kawan, tinggal saudara, atas nama cinta. Dasarrr. Bila si kekasih buat salah atau lebih teruk curang, kau buat-buat pejam mata. Konon dia akan berubah, konon dia lah Mr Right. Atas alasan dah lama bercinta, dan orang tu janji nak kahwin dengan kau padahal orang tu nak tumpang senang je. Tapi kau tak nampak sebab kau buta, bukti depan mata pun kau still insist that he/she is the one for you. Ye, ini dinamakan kebodohan. Dan sedihnya, orang tu tak sedar pun yang dia bodoh.
Apa yang membezakan situasi A dan B ialah orang yang terlibat dalam situasi A SEDAR yang dia berhabis duit, berkorban apa sahaja untuk pasangannya atas nama cinta, dan dia tak kisah semua tu. Berbanding dengan situasi B, dia seakan-akan tidak sedar diri atau buat-buat tak nampak pengorbanan yang dia buat tu sebenarnya kebodohan yang nyata. Pathetic but it's true.
Belajar elok-elok dulu dik, kerja bagus-bagus. Masa tu baru kita sedar yang permata yang kita pertahankan selama ni hanyalah kaca semata.
Nasi lemak buah bidara,
Sayang selasih hamba lurutkan,
Buang emak buang saudara,
Kerana kasih hamba turutkan.
p/s: kemain letak pantun bagai.
Wednesday, 25 April 2012
Orang sekarang
Orang tua cucuk botox, orang muda cucuk fillers. Woha!
Logik ke badan kurus tapi pipi naik mencanak? Lol. Dah makin pelik muka tu, bukan makin cantik.
Logik ke badan kurus tapi pipi naik mencanak? Lol. Dah makin pelik muka tu, bukan makin cantik.
Tuesday, 24 April 2012
Cerita Melayu sibuk nak tunjuk ibu mertua jahat, nak rosakkan rumah tangga orang, tapi kalau cerita omputih kecoh nak selamatkan dunia. Nampak tak beza kat situ? Nampak tak?
Monday, 23 April 2012
Sunday, 22 April 2012
Scrumptious #1

nasi kerabu
Belanga, Mid Valley

banana + ice cream (forgot the name)
too sweet for me though

chicken chop
Selera Cik Siti, Kota Bharu
posted from Bloggeroid
Saturday, 21 April 2012
Thursday, 19 April 2012
Wednesday, 18 April 2012
I refer this blog as my secret friend. Virtually, literally. Even though I didn't exposed much details about my personal stories(which I think I don't have to do that), at least this is where I put my thoughts, and rambling. Plus, I do not tell anyone that I have a blog, not even to my close friends, not even to my family. It's better this way, I guess.
Everyone has a secret. Dirty lil' secret. And you really hope your friends or your significant other have no idea about that because they might be hurt and you cant stand to see that situation because it hurts you too. Geddit?
I do not promote white lies, please don't get me wrong. But there will be tiny lil' something that you prefer everyone doesn't has a clue about it. Yes, that's what we called secret. Secret doesn't meant to be broken. By hook or by crook.
Bitch please, honesty is the best policy. Teehee.
Everyone has a secret. Dirty lil' secret. And you really hope your friends or your significant other have no idea about that because they might be hurt and you cant stand to see that situation because it hurts you too. Geddit?
I do not promote white lies, please don't get me wrong. But there will be tiny lil' something that you prefer everyone doesn't has a clue about it. Yes, that's what we called secret. Secret doesn't meant to be broken. By hook or by crook.
Bitch please, honesty is the best policy. Teehee.
Tuesday, 17 April 2012
p/s: kagum dengan blogger famous yang letak entry 'sampah'.
Monday, 16 April 2012
I was talking with my best friend the other day, and both of us agreed that someone's husband look more attractive/appealing/charming than the single one. Am I the only one?
On a serious note, I do not doubt or question when some women decided to be second/third/fourth wife to a rich guy. As long as you know he can provide anything for you, minus the time, then you'll be good. No? Naahhh, even being a first and the only wife doesn't guarantee you an absolute happiness. So, why not?
Sunday, 15 April 2012
If you're old, it doesn't mean you're always right,
If you're young, it doesn't mean you're always wrong.
p/s: Age is just a number they said. People don't mind, they said.
If you're young, it doesn't mean you're always wrong.
p/s: Age is just a number they said. People don't mind, they said.
Saturday, 14 April 2012
Friday, 13 April 2012
Thursday, 12 April 2012
For me, I don't really believe in LDR. Salute to those who can work on it.
Maybe I'm too sceptical, but maybe I'm right. It's all about trust, don't you think so? And of course, loyalty is a bonus point.
If you ask me, I will try to avoid this as much as I can. But if you can't, then I feel bad for you. Gotcha.
p/s: distance never changed, but people do.
Maybe I'm too sceptical, but maybe I'm right. It's all about trust, don't you think so? And of course, loyalty is a bonus point.
If you ask me, I will try to avoid this as much as I can. But if you can't, then I feel bad for you. Gotcha.
p/s: distance never changed, but people do.
Wednesday, 11 April 2012
Tuesday, 10 April 2012
Monday, 9 April 2012
If you know me, which I bet you don't (pheww), I'm such a petite girl. Sometimes, even when I'm wearing leggings, it looks like I'm wearing skinny jeans. It does not fit enough with me, thus explains how thin I am. Problem, bitch?
The advantage for being petite is, you'll look forever young. Yes, seriously. People always mistaken me as a youngest daughter when in fact, I have a younger sister after me. And people will call you cute wtf.
But then, the con for being petite is you have to alter the pants/jeans that you bought because it is too big for you.
All in all, I love being petite and I can easily squeeze between the crowd in night market or at the gig/concert. Haha.
The advantage for being petite is, you'll look forever young. Yes, seriously. People always mistaken me as a youngest daughter when in fact, I have a younger sister after me. And people will call you cute wtf.
But then, the con for being petite is you have to alter the pants/jeans that you bought because it is too big for you.
All in all, I love being petite and I can easily squeeze between the crowd in night market or at the gig/concert. Haha.
Sunday, 8 April 2012
I understand, it's normal for girls, especially to be 'camwhore' every now and then. Just please don't overdo it.
Like this...
Yes, indeed. Please don't do it. Please. I'm begging you. Thiz iz serious.
Like this...
Imagine someone did this, but in older female version. Cute? Not in a million years.
Yes, indeed. Please don't do it. Please. I'm begging you. Thiz iz serious.
Saturday, 7 April 2012
Oh So Random #2
At first, I didn't want people to know me, not even my name. But I just realized the Nuffnang poll has my name on it.
And now, I feel inferior wtf.
Thursday, 5 April 2012
This post is obviously not related to this 'jambu' guy. Duhh.
Living in this country, Malaysia, it seems like you can't predict the weather. One day, it will be sunny-sweat day, and tomorrow streaming of rain will come. Isn't weird? But, we get used to it. And we like it.
I like rain. The cold feeling made it easier for me to go to sleep. The smell of the rain. Knowing the rain will watering the trees, subsequently providing food for the animals. It's a life cycle. And it shows that we rely on each other. We need each other. It feels so blessed, and we should be grateful for what we have now.
Living in this country, Malaysia, it seems like you can't predict the weather. One day, it will be sunny-sweat day, and tomorrow streaming of rain will come. Isn't weird? But, we get used to it. And we like it.
I like rain. The cold feeling made it easier for me to go to sleep. The smell of the rain. Knowing the rain will watering the trees, subsequently providing food for the animals. It's a life cycle. And it shows that we rely on each other. We need each other. It feels so blessed, and we should be grateful for what we have now.
posted from Bloggeroid
Wednesday, 4 April 2012
Marry Me?
Every school holiday, it's a compulsory to have at least a wedding of a friend of mine. LOL
For me, there's a valid reason why I'm not married yet when a few of my friends already have kids. I never see myself getting married in an early age. I don't think I can be a good wife, let alone to be a good mother for now. It takes time and a huge commitment to be prepared and ready for this phase of life.
They say, it's better for you to get married early to avoid unexpected occurrence and such but just to make sure by that time, you are already have stable income and at least a car to ride.
Since I have nothing yet, I bet you will never see me 'get laid' in a near future.
For me, there's a valid reason why I'm not married yet when a few of my friends already have kids. I never see myself getting married in an early age. I don't think I can be a good wife, let alone to be a good mother for now. It takes time and a huge commitment to be prepared and ready for this phase of life.
They say, it's better for you to get married early to avoid unexpected occurrence and such but just to make sure by that time, you are already have stable income and at least a car to ride.
Since I have nothing yet, I bet you will never see me 'get laid' in a near future.
Tuesday, 3 April 2012
Reality TV Show
It's like a trend now. They produce lots of so-called-talented-singer/actor/host from a reality tv show. A flooding of these tv shows sickening me to death. It always be involved with those over-emotional contestants which kept crying, begging and bugging the audience to ask for sympathy. Pathetic.
Do you really think you are good enough? You better think again. If you have a real talent, people will recognize you, thus vote for you. You don't have to create a drama to seek attention. You'll look so cheap. But somehow, there's always people who will believe to your 'act', right?
Anyways, it just seems like these people are really wanted the fame, not really keen about the 'job' itself.
This is purely from my observation, and you do not have to agree with me.
Do you really think you are good enough? You better think again. If you have a real talent, people will recognize you, thus vote for you. You don't have to create a drama to seek attention. You'll look so cheap. But somehow, there's always people who will believe to your 'act', right?
Anyways, it just seems like these people are really wanted the fame, not really keen about the 'job' itself.
This is purely from my observation, and you do not have to agree with me.
Sunday, 1 April 2012
Any question?
I find it inappropriate to ask someone 'eh bila kau nak kahwin' or ' weh kau bila nak ada anak' when you can see obviously that particular person is really looking forward for it.
Sape taknak bai? Kita hanya boleh mintak dan usaha, tapi Dia yang akan kasi, after all.
At first, it may sounds like you are caring person asking this kind of question, or you just want to make that person happy, but please don't do it. Save it for yourself. You will make it worst by throwing a sack of pressure on their shoulder. You will never know how they feel. Just imagine you are in their shoes and try to walk, by then you can finally see the agony behind their fake smile.
A good friend/person will never asked this. Period. This is applicable to other circumstances as well.
Sape taknak bai? Kita hanya boleh mintak dan usaha, tapi Dia yang akan kasi, after all.
At first, it may sounds like you are caring person asking this kind of question, or you just want to make that person happy, but please don't do it. Save it for yourself. You will make it worst by throwing a sack of pressure on their shoulder. You will never know how they feel. Just imagine you are in their shoes and try to walk, by then you can finally see the agony behind their fake smile.
A good friend/person will never asked this. Period. This is applicable to other circumstances as well.
Saturday, 31 March 2012
Let's Draw Someting
If you are an Iphone or Android user, I bet by now you know about this addited game which kept itching me to play. Once you have started this game, you can never go back. Lol.
If you are an avid player too, feel free to leave your username in the comments box below. Well, if you haven't, go install this game now. But, this game will 'take' your soul, just like what happened to me and my other friends. You have been warned. Teehee.
You might want to see this.
If you are an avid player too, feel free to leave your username in the comments box below. Well, if you haven't, go install this game now. But, this game will 'take' your soul, just like what happened to me and my other friends. You have been warned. Teehee.
You might want to see this.
posted from Bloggeroid
Friday, 30 March 2012
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