Saturday, 31 March 2012

Let's Draw Someting

If you are an Iphone or Android user, I bet by now you know about this addited game which kept itching me to play. Once you have started this game, you can never go back. Lol.

If you are an avid player too, feel free to leave your username in the comments box below. Well, if you haven't, go install this game now. But, this game will 'take' your soul, just like what happened to me and my other friends. You have been warned. Teehee.

You might want to see this.

posted from Bloggeroid

Friday, 30 March 2012

Lady what?

For me, this is a cutest insect that God has ever created.

posted from Bloggeroid

Wednesday, 28 March 2012


Last few days, SPM's result had been published and as expected, there's always an improvement for every year. It's a good thing la kan? People are getting smarter and wiser. Congratulations to those who nail it. I know, it's not that easy. When it was my time answering SPM's papers, I was like...

Anyways, that's not my main intention here. Untuk orang yang fail or tak dapat flying colours pun, don't worry, there's always next time kan? 

People always said, alaaa SPM je pun. Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, to name a few tu takde SPM pun, fail study but still boleh jadi millionaire dan berjaya. I couldn't agree more BUT they are smart, inventor and creative. All of them are able to create something new, invent a high technology machine/gadget for us, for human purposes. No wonder they can succeed in their lives, right?

However, do you have all these abilities? No? So, try harder, work harder, and you will regret nothing. Easier said than done, but life is hard. Reality bites, don't you think so? If you can't changed your own lives, who else? And better late than never. 

Points to ponder. 


Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Youtube's singer(s)

I don't get it why people hate/dislike Justin Bieber, then I remember Najwa Latif.

I have watched/listened to her video when she did cover some famous songs like Price Tag, Marry You, and the list goes on and on. Honestly, I quite like her voice, I mean the way she sings please my ears. So, when they said she will produce an album, I was quite delighted. It must be a boom, right?

I'm flabbergasted when I heard her new single which is 'Cinta Muka Bulu' (parody version). Perhaps my expectation is way too much. This song is such a bummer. I don't understand why this song got millions of views on Youtube. 


This is why people said, different people have different taste. This song is more suitable for teenagers (20 years and below) and absolutely not my cup of tea. But at least, she is popular now and managed to be one of a finale in Juara Lagu. Ko ada? LOL


Monday, 26 March 2012

Sunday, 25 March 2012

PM vs Lisa Surirumah

Facebook PM (Malaysia) ada 1 juta like.
Facebook Lisa Surihani ada 2 juta like.

Oh the irony. 


Saturday, 24 March 2012

Oh So Random #1

Do you actually realize that our brains work faster when we're in a bathroom or before you sleep? No? I think I'm not the only one. Please tell me so. =p I found myself got sooo many ideas whenever in bathroom and once I went out from it, all these ideas seem to scatter into pieces. Dem yuh! 

The same thing happened before I sleep. Before I close my eyes, I will reminisced my past, my mistakes (Oh God, why?) and suddenly all the ideas seem like falling from the sky. But then when I wake up the next day, yes, I forgot all of them. Sad. T__________T

When we're in a exam hall, our brains decided to shut down and totally blank. Scumbag brain. 

Brain, Y U No Work Faster When I Need U?

Friday, 23 March 2012

Facebook Timeline

If you ask me whether I like this new feature in Facebook, my answer is definitely 



The only thing that I fancy about this is a cover photo. It's like a blog header or something which you can put at the top of your profile. And it is open to public. OMG. Is it a good thing? For stalker la. LOL.

Anyways, since we paid nothing for using Facebook, I guess we can't say much. We still use it anyway despite the fact that they changed the feature every now and then. Takkan nak guna Friendster balik kan? Hiks. So, just stfu. 


Thursday, 22 March 2012

Sleeping partners

Comel, but can be scary at times. Girls will be always be girls. Lol

Emm girl lagi ke? Hiks

posted from Bloggeroid


I'm blogging via my mobile. Hope it works. :-D

posted from Bloggeroid

Tomboy vs telekung

Tajuk nak konon-konon hot je kan. Hewhewhew

Anyways, cerita dah lama sebenarnya, dalam tahun 2006-2007. *lupa* Masa tu, aku belajaq kat matrik Penang, (tetiba nak slang utara kan) kitaorang keluar outing on weekend. Sangap kot kalau duk kolej. Well, biasala port outing budak-budak harusla pergi mall. Walaupun takde duit kan. Haha. Aku pun dah lupa nama mall yang kitaorang pergi haritu. Ye, aku memang jenis lupa ingatan sikit. Hangin je member kalau gossip ngan aku. 

U mad bro? Teehee

Lepas window shopping bagai, poket pun dah rabak barulah nak ingat Tuhan kan. Adik-adik, jangan ikut perangai ni. Masa tu barulah kecoh nak cari surau. Mall kemain besar, surau kat tingkat paling atas, kat parking lot, kecik gila. Tempat wudhuk pun campur laki perempuan. Penang kot, what do you expect? 

Once dah sampai sana, kitaorang(semua perempuan bertudung) nak sembahyang. Ye la, takkan nak main golf pulak kan kat sana? 

Kecoh ni duk belek telekung, pastu complaint telekung sikit plus kotor. Ambik kau, sape suruh tak bawak telekung sendiri kan? So, kitaorang redha je la pakai yang dah ada. Darurat katanya. *alasan lagi*

Masa tengah tunggu member aku, ada la sorang tomboy ni masuk. Sekali pandang memang macam lelaki, rambut pendek spike, seluar jeans londeh siap ada rantai lagi, baju hitam besar, pakai backpack. Aku tengok dia kecik besa kecik besa je, ye lah ingatkan laki salah masuk tempat sembahyang kan. Rupa-rupanya memang perempuan. *facepalm*

Biasala perempuan bertudung tengok laki tomboy, pandang slack je (aku la tu). Bajet aku ni dah bagus sangat. *sentap* Sekali minah tomboy tu keluarkan telekung dari backpack dia pastu sembahyang. Terdiam kauuu. Ye lah, for sure la minah tu lagi 'ready' nak sembahyang kan daripada kitaorang yang bajet bagus sebab bertudung ni. *sentap lagi sekali* 

Moral of the story: Don't underestimate. Don't look down to others. Bersangka baiklah kepada semua orang. Renung-renungkan dan selamat beramal. :))



As you can see, I'm a newbie here. Duhh, obviously kot. Previously, I have a blog like 3 years ago kot. But I don't remember my password wtf. So, here come another one. Hassle-free. Teehee.

Every day, I feel obliged to read my favourite blogs everytime I surfing the internet. Yes, I read blogs first, after that baru baca newspaper. Am I the only one? I don't really like reading newspaper actually. You know, shitty-politics-stuff make me dizzy. *yawn* *excuses again*

Bitch please, I read blogs more often than newspaper. 

But I do read a few blogs regarding politics. You know, just in case someone asked me about politics, at least I know what to say. LOL. I really admire those people who can inspire others ONLY by reading their posts. By reading their blogs, we feel like we know them, we are like their friends whose the one that they share our problems, and secrets. It vividly shows the power of words. So, choose your words precisely, and wisely. *tetiba*.


Wednesday, 21 March 2012


Kalau korang perasan, sekarang ni musim culik budak kan? And most of the victim would be girls. It's like a disease, yang akan berjangkit. Kalau dulu 'musim' kes sumbang mahram, ragut, dan sekarang ni culik pulak. Dah takde keje ke nak buat? Orang yang culik tu buat apa agaknya kat budak-budak tu? Jual? Rogol? Sex slave? Wallahualam. Doakan mereka selamat je la kan. Itu je yang termampu. 

I wonder, how they feel after they're doing this? I mean, diorang tak rasa bersalah langsung ke even in a glance? Tenang ke hidup diorang buat keje macamtu? Harap-harap diorang insaf dan menyesal atas perbuatan mereka. Haish. 

Btw, yang aku nak cakap sekarang maybe off topic sikit daripada ni. I bet, korang mesti tau pasal kes penculikan budak perempuan 15 tahun tu kan? Penculikan la sangattt. Rupa-rupanya dia lari dari rumah. Tekanan perasaan katanya. Like wtf? Umur 15 tahun dah ada tekanan emosi? Agak-agaknya pasal apa ek? Keje sekolah banyak sangat ke dik? Ffuuu. Punya la orang semua risau kan kau. Yang tak tahannya, lari dari rumah pastu pergi rumah bf. Wtf? Tenang sangatla kan perasaan kau duduk rumah bf kau. 

Tapi perasan tak, kes ni selalunya jadi kat budak perempuan je. Budak lelaki takde tekanan perasaan lari dari rumah pergi rumah gf pulak kan? Ke aku je yang tak tau? LOL. Member aku cakap, ada je budak lelaki yang lari. Tapi bila lapar balik rumah semula. Haha.


Desperate #1

It's sooooo pathetic to see those people who are trying so hard to seek attention from others. Are they attention seeker or desperate? I would call them both.

Y U So Desperate??

I know that for women especially in this age should probably have a steady bf. But it doesn't give you an excuse from doing that. You know, posting your so-called-desperate-words in Facebook saying that you don't have a bf, asking people(men) to propose you because you're a good girl *rolling eyes*. Saying that you prefer to be single doesn't helping too. And ask for others' empathy so that people know you have being dump for no solid reason. Like, seriously? Do you have to do that? I pity you, actually. If he meant for you, he will never leave you. Period. 

It's normal to have emotional breakdown, broken-hearted moment once in a while, but just believe in your fate, qada' and qadar. I myself too have been through all this and I'm not saying it is easy, but it is going to be worth it. Just move on, or I should say, move your ass. Hehe.

Mr. Handsome #1

We have known each other since like forever. 17 years to be precised. So, i know basically everything about him. From family background to his liking. Physically, and mentally.

He once confessed to me that he had a crush on me since we're in Standard 1. We were classmate back then. OMG. I know, I know, it's a lil bit too early right? Hehe. But, man will always be man. LOL.

The rest is history. Pfft. I'm kidding. Xoxo.

KONY 2012

If you watch current videos on Youtube, I bet you will know about this issue regarding Kony. This video is going viral. According to them, he is a bad people, forced kids to be his army(for boys) and asked them to kill their own parents. For girls, they forced to be sex slaves and to add insult to this wound, he hacked their lips for God-knows-why. Macam syaiton kan?

However, after few days there were a few videos responding to this Kony's case. Plus, there's also a video which interviewed Kony itself. He said, it's not true at all. It's a scam!. Kony's video seems to be misleading due to certain reasons. I heard that they(US) really keen to do that because of oil. Yes, oil in Uganda. You can read/watch regarding this issue on Youtube. Go google!

 I see what you did there...

Both sides showed the actual motives. And it looks sooo convincing. I'm confused right now. Which one would you believe? Kony or US crony? 

Tuesday, 20 March 2012


Do you realize that lace is becoming one of the must-have item now? Be it on your favourite shawl, your chiffon shirt, or your feminine baju kurung, it becomes a trend recently, besides polkadot. Duhh. So, I decided to join the wagon. LOL.

Usually, we see people wearing lace for special occasion eg: wedding. You can spot brides' heavy-beaded-lace on their veil and clothes. But now, everyone can wear lace, without feeling awkward and overdress. Yeayy.

Lemme show you an example of people wearing lace, and she able to pull it off. And of course, because she's pretty with curvy body. ;)
                                                      Jessica Biel at Golden Globe Award

Yayy or nayy? For bride-to-be, you can also slip in this type of design minus the middle-below part. I swear, it would be perfect for your big day. :) It looks so simple yet chic and classy at the same time. To top it off, perhaps you can add some beading at the waist to make it looks more elegant. Don't you think so? ;))

Are you in? If this kind of pattern might be too crowded for you, you can also wear a plain chiffon dress with the lace beading at the top of it. Certainly it will bring a 'wow' factor to your dress without being 'over-the-top'.

Wait, what I'm doing now? Pretending to be like an expert and fashion designer. Hehe. I would say that I'm observant and like to see beautiful things in my life. Who doesn't? ;))


3 years

It's been 3 years since the last time that I got boyfriend. I kid not. 3 years. I never thought I can survive it, but I did, with pleasure. You don't need to have a bf/gf to be happy :)

Most of my friends wondered how the hell did I do that. If you ask me, I myself certainly don't have a piece of idea or advice how to overcome this 'problem'. Maybe I was destinied to be 'forever alone' LOL. But seriously, somehow I feel peace and calmness in this state of situation. Or is it just me? Haha.

Jokes aside, for me in this age (fyi I'm turning 24 this year) I'm not looking for boyfriend material only, but he must have a husband material. Geddit? All men can be your boyfriend, but it takes one guy to be your Mr. Right, right? The one that have the abilities to be a leader, imam for your prayers and most importantly a father to your children. Do you think your current boyfriend can nail it? Please think again, wisely. ;)

Btw,  I'm no longer interested to flirt around, to have scandal and such, and I think it's the right time for me to get into serious relationship. That's the solely reason why I'm single all this while. *excuses* Or maybe because I'm not attractive enough. Haha. *humble* konon la.

So, for my future boyfriend/husband, please be good and a lil bit naughty at times. Too good can be boring, you know. Hiks. Bye.


I bet, 90% teenagers and adults nowadays have at least one social network. Most of it would be Facebook, right? Because Myspace become too mainstream. LOL. Since here (Facebook) you can share almost everything, from your vain pictures to your 'emo' status with your friends, it seems that it was(is) your online diary. Sharing is caring they say, but too much sharing is kinda annoying. Don't you think so?

For me, I prefer to not to talk about personal a.k.a private issues in Facebook. I mean, do your friends have to know your every emotional turmoil, your broken-hearted moment, your hatred towards your ex(ouchh), and not to forget your cursive words everytime you are angry. Do you really think you must share everything? Duhh. Please keep it to yourself. Not everything as it seems. People might misunderstood about your message. They might think it wrongly, with the inappropriate tone. Yeah you know written message can be misleading, big time.

Frankly speaking, I miss those time when my friendlist in Facebook is my close friends only. The one that know your lil secrets (but not all of them =p), not including your siblings, and your beloved mommy (OMG). Yes, since that day, I hardly share something very personal so that my family doesn't know my problems. I think it's better for them for not knowing all my mixed feelings. Because you know, teenagers they feel that their love problem is the biggest-and-heartache-issue at that time. Silly us. LOL.

So, do you think you don't have to vomit all your feelings in Facebook, but you can do it here? Weird, isn't it? Hehe. Well, in Facebook every post you make will appear in Newsfeed, and your friends have no choice other than reading it. But here, your readers(if any) CHOOSE to type or click your blog url, and read all your post. Is that make any sense for you? *defensive mode* Hence, the birth of this blog. Hehe.

If you feel want to share something to someone, if you need to put all your thoughts in one place, if you want to make this as a reference for your future, then go ahead, sign in and create a blog. Voila. Within two second, you can have one(if your internet speed is fast enough).

Enough rambling. Till then. Xoxo.

School and Such

They say, experience is the best teacher. Yes, indeed. I couldn't agree more.

Many people say, being a teacher is easy, especially in primary school. You go to school in the morning, and by 1 or 2 p.m you already found yourself on the bed in your comfy bedroom. Actually, it doesn't work that way. And apparently those who saying this thing are not in this teaching line, and never have a slight idea about it. You have to be in our shoes to understand and feel how we work everyday.

Even though they are still kids, they are still human being. A cute creature granted for their parents from Allah s.w.t. They are active (some cases hyperactive), with wild imagination, and want to play every single second. Sometimes, we cannot really stop them from being 'pain-in-the-ass'. That's their nature. I reckon, this is the most difficult part when we have to struggle to control them, to make able them pay attention and understand what we teach.

Unlike other profession which deal with machines and stuff, they can turn-off that things anytime, and stop their works whenever they feel to (if they can). We, teachers have to handle all these mischievous behaviour every single day, without fail. Not that i'm complaining, but just to enlighten to those who seem underestimate our work.

Like I have mentioned earlier, don't simply underestimate others' profession before you put your feet in their shoes. That's the least you can do. At least, try to not bad-mouthing or make an assumption towards others. But if you still don't want to do that, stfu.

This is a gentle reminder for myself too. That's all. Xoxo.

Monday, 19 March 2012

So, nowadays people go gaga over 9gag. Yes, including me. Hence the name of this blog. Teehee. Till the next post. If you know what I mean. Bye.