I bet, 90% teenagers and adults nowadays have at least one social network. Most of it would be Facebook, right? Because Myspace become too mainstream. LOL. Since here (Facebook) you can share almost everything, from your vain pictures to your 'emo' status with your friends, it seems that it was(is) your online diary. Sharing is caring they say, but too much sharing is kinda annoying. Don't you think so?
For me, I prefer to not to talk about personal a.k.a private issues in Facebook. I mean, do your friends have to know your every emotional turmoil, your broken-hearted moment, your hatred towards your ex(ouchh), and not to forget your cursive words everytime you are angry. Do you really think you must share everything? Duhh. Please keep it to yourself. Not everything as it seems. People might misunderstood about your message. They might think it wrongly, with the inappropriate tone. Yeah you know written message can be misleading, big time.
Frankly speaking, I miss those time when my friendlist in Facebook is my close friends only. The one that know your lil secrets (but not all of them =p), not including your siblings, and your beloved mommy (OMG). Yes, since that day, I hardly share something very personal so that my family doesn't know my problems. I think it's better for them for not knowing all my mixed feelings. Because you know, teenagers they feel that their love problem is the biggest-and-heartache-issue at that time. Silly us. LOL.
So, do you think you don't have to vomit all your feelings in Facebook, but you can do it here? Weird, isn't it? Hehe. Well, in Facebook every post you make will appear in Newsfeed, and your friends have no choice other than reading it. But here, your readers(if any)
CHOOSE to type or click your blog url, and read all your post. Is that make any sense for you? *defensive mode* Hence, the birth of this blog. Hehe.
If you feel want to share something to someone, if you need to put all your thoughts in one place, if you want to make this as a reference for your future, then go ahead, sign in and create a blog. Voila. Within two second, you can have one(if your internet speed is fast enough).
Enough rambling. Till then. Xoxo.