Sunday 1 April 2012

Any question?

I find it inappropriate to ask someone 'eh bila kau nak kahwin' or ' weh kau bila nak ada anak' when you can see obviously that particular person is really looking forward for it. 

Sape taknak bai? Kita hanya boleh mintak dan usaha, tapi Dia yang akan kasi, after all. 

At first, it may sounds like you are caring person asking this kind of question, or you just want to make that person happy, but please don't do it. Save it for yourself. You will make it worst by throwing a sack of pressure on their shoulder. You will never know how they feel. Just imagine you are in their shoes and try to walk, by then you can finally see the agony behind their fake smile. 

 A good friend/person will never asked this. Period. This is applicable to other circumstances as well. 



  1. miss me?

    i c then..ok i dont ask..

    bila nak kawin?

    1. u are really my loyal reader. im sooo touched.

  2. Replies
    1. you are so funny. who are you? do you have blog?

  3. Jessie: Prepare for trouble!
    James: Make it double!
    Jessie: To protect the world from devastation-
    James: To unite all peoples within our nation!
    Jessie: To denounce the evils of truth and love-
    James: To extend our reach to the stars above!
    Jessie: Jessie!
    James: James!
    Jessie: Team Rocket, blast off at the speed of light-
    James: Surrender now or prepare to fight

    scary eh? #LOL ..actually im no one..a dude's from south even not a blogger..a lone ranger faggie who has lappy and finger to type any thru in this truth of fact finger are fast than ma brain!

  4. "finger are fast than ma brain!"

    i see what you did there. LOL

    not that scary. Im just curious. where do you find my blog actually? Google search? haha. I didnt even promote my blog. I dont tell anyone I have one. plus I dont reveal my identity.

  5. ya laptop first and think after, wht to do next..even i dnt know how,when,why i was here..anywy,keep it up girl..girl?

    *derpy..are we chatting? is it YM here? #lol

    1. im a girl, hence 'The Other Derpina'. if im a boy, it would be 'The Other Derpy' lol.

      because i dont know who u are, and this is like the only place for me to get to know my reader. lol

  6. ok now im soo touched

    im hungry, can i ate your word
